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IWA/CC Minutes 07-16-2014

Minutes                                   - 1 -                                                July 16, 2014

MEMBERS PRESENT:                Elizabeth Warren, John Blondin, Audrey Delnicki, Arthur Jennings, Richard Muller, Joseph Durette, Barbara Kelly, Carol Heffler

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     John Phillips sitting for Adam Reed

STAFF PRESENT:          Jeff Folger, Sr. Environmental Planner
Donna Thompson, Recording Secretary


Chairperson Warren called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm



BONDS:  none
MINUTES:  6/18/2014.  Approved by consensus.

WETLAND OFFICER’S REPORT:   Folger reported that the South Windsor Woods construction site on Pleasant Valley Road had to set up a filtration system of wood chips and stump grindings to address the fine milky white sediment being found in the discharge water after hitting clay when digging the detention basin.

CONSERVATION COMMISSION:  Folger distributed information to the Commissioners regarding a grant application being made to the USDA for money to supply USDA approved high tunnels (also known as greenhouses) at the Community Gardens on Avery Street.  The USDA has a big initiative at this time for promoting high tunnels to extend the growing period.  High tunnels use the existing ground, which is rototilled and planted versus the raised beds used in greenhouses.  Folger has talked to Andy Paterna from the South Windsor Food Alliance and the Natural Resources Conservation Service, the USDA’s area that administers this program.  They have put together a proposal to provide two 24’ x 48’ high tunnels to our community garden as a demonstration project.  It is a matching grant – 65% federal, 35% non-federal.  We would be looking for a federal match of $18,500; the Town would be responsible for the non-federal match of $10,500.  The North Central Conservation District will be submitting the grant; South Windsor, as one of the District’s tenants would be the beneficiary of the grant.  The non-federal match would be partially for the installation of the high tunnel, the annual maintenance of the high tunnel, the four year maintenance (replacement of plastic covering as it gets damaged), and the educational component; comprised of educational brochures and two workshops for community gardens purposes.  Folger and Paterna proposed utilizing monies received from our agricultural leases for the non-federal match as it would be a good fit.  Approximately $20,000 is received annually from the leases of the Town’s agricultural lands.  The Conservation Commission administers the use of the funds from these leases.  The Commission was in agreement that this is an appropriate use of these funds.

Motion to: authorize the use of up to $10,500 from the agricultural lease monies for purposes of providing matching funds for the seasonal high tunnel community garden proposal in conjunction with the North Central Conservation District.

Was made by: Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by: Commissioner Blondin
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous, with Commissioner Kelly abstaining due to her part-time employment with the North Central Conservation District.


Commissioner Heffler read legal notice as published in the Journal Inquirer.

Appl. 14-41W – Jeamel Wetland Map Amendment – 117 Cliffwood Drive – Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application to amend the established wetland boundary on a residential lot on property located easterly of Cliffwood Drive. A-30 Residential Zone.

John Ianni, Professional Soil Scientist, represented the applicant.  Mr. Ianni conducted the most recent wetland delineation in June 2014 and submitted a letter with his findings.  Mr. Ianni found a small finger of wetlands at the rear of the property.   It was brought to his attention that a previous survey had been done indicating more extensive wetlands on the property.   Mr. Ianni returned to the site with the previous wetland delineation used in 1995 for reference and was unable to verify the wetlands as shown on that 1995 delineation.  The delineation used in 1995 had originally been done in 1987.  Mr. Folger provided to the commissioners copies of the memos from the consulting engineer and the wetland agent 1995, which showed how the wetland boundary was developed for the 1995 application.  This is the information that the Commission in 1995 accepted.  Mr. Ianni’s current delineation which has subsequently been confirmed by two additional certified soil scientists – Dave Askew from the North Central Conservation District and Jeffrey Folger, Town of South Windsor Sr. Environmental Planner.

In answer to Commissioner Durette’s question regarding any future development on the property, Mr. Folger stated that an application would have to come to IWA unless they stay outside of the wetlands and the upland review area.  Because of the position of the wetlands on the property development would have to be at the front of the property to avoid any disturbance.

Mark Williams, 103 Cliffwood Drive, has property that abuts 117 Cliffwood Drive and was concerned about what might happen if a house was built on the lot due to the change in the wetland delineation.  Mr. Folger and Commissioners stated that an application would have to be made before any activity could occur that might impact the wetlands as defined at this time.  If an application should be made in the future, as an abutter Mr. Williams would have to be notified by the applicant at that time.

Motion to:  close the public hearing for appl. #14-41W – Jeamel Wetland Map Amendment – 117 Cliffwood Drive – Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application to amend the established wetland boundary on a residential lot on property located easterly of Cliffwood Drive. A-30 Residential Zone.

Was made by: Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by: Commissioner Blondin
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Motion to: accept the wetland delineation as submitted with the evidence supporting it tonight with regard to appl. #14-41W

Was made by: Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by: Commissioner Phillips
Commissioner Phillips stated that three Professional Soil Scientists certified this wetland delineation as correct over the previous mapping.
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

OLD BUSINESS:  Fuss & O’Neill – Evergreen Walk

Phil Forzley, Fuss & O’Neill, presented to the Commission information regarding the filing of a Schedule A map entitled Riparian Buffer Boundaries under the Declaration of Restrictions for the Evergreen Walk development in 2003.  The map filed with the Town Clerk in 2003 which showed the Plum Gulley Brook buffer location in relationship to this development is incorrect.  All approved land use applications regarding this development were based on the correct information.  Mr. Forzley submitted a copy of the 2003 Approval Letter and the Declaration of Restrictions – Riparian Buffer as recorded on the land records which includes the incorrect map.  The applicant needs to file a revised map showing the correct riparian buffer and a revised deed description with the Town Clerk after written approval by IWA.  The Commission will need to consult with the Town Attorney, notify the Town Clerk of the need to correct the map and then direct the applicant to correct the record.

Motion to: direct a letter to the applicant, Evergreen Walk, LLC, stating that it has come to the Commission’s attention that the map filed in the Town Clerk’s Office in 2003 is inconsistent with condition #12 of the approval letter granting the permit and must be corrected; along with a copy of the letter to the Town Clerk, the Town Attorney and the Town Manager.

Was made by: Commissioner Kelly
Seconded by: Commissioner Heffler
Mr. Folger questioned how an application would be handled while this issue is unresolved.   Some Commissioners stated that the map would have to be corrected before any further applications involving this area could be addressed.  Commissioner Kelly stated that the applicants would have to use the map of the stream from 2002; that is what has been done and can continue to be done.  There is a base map that reflects where the stream was in 2002 and the correct conditions can be followed.  Commissioner Kelly stated that an issue would occur if there was encroachment or violation within the buffer.  Mr. Forzley stated that one corner of the building for Evergreen Walk Unit 14, approved by IWA on 11/6/2013, falls within the boundary as shown on the incorrect map but not within the 330 foot buffer.  This is how the error was found on the map filed with the Town Clerk.  The consensus of the Commissioner was that it is a simple process to correct the map, file it with the Town Clerk; and that it should be done as quickly as possible.  Commissioner Kelly recommended that the corrected map should be reviewed and approved prior to filing with the Town Clerk.  Mr. Forzley reiterated that the building on the property is consistent with what was approved and that they are not violating any conditions of the permit.  They just want to file a corrected map since it has been discovered that the one, and only that one, in the Town Clerk’s Office is incorrect.

The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.


Chairperson Warren made a recommendation that a pool of volunteers be created to work on conservation and open space to help with maintenance of the parks, trails, wildlife sanctuary. Suggestions made to help with the worked needing to be done were:  “Adopt a Park” and putting a request for volunteers in the newspaper.  The Commissioners would like to know the priority, allocation of manpower and funding for work by the Park and Recreation Department for these areas.  Commissioner Jennings stated that volunteers are needed; he doesn’t feel that Park & Rec can do it all (based on funds and manpower).  Mr. Folger stated that he and the Director of Park and Recreation are working on a schedule for open space maintenance.  The Commissioners would like a memo sent to the Director of Park & Rec stating their concerns and the Commission would support an expanded maintenance program.  Folger will draft a letter and have Commissioners review it.

Chairperson Warren asked if the Town continues to make a contribution the North Central Conservation District.  Mr. Folger responded that IWA and PZC each contributed $850.00 annually.                                                                


Appl. #14-42W – Richard Hayes House Lot – 944 Pleasant Valley Rd – Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for the construction of a single family house on an existing lot, and associated utilities on property located of easterly of Pleasant Valley Rd. Rural Residential (RR) Zone.  Application will be heard at the September 3, 2014 meeting.  


Motion to adjourn at 8:37 pm
Was made by: Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by: Commissioner Delnicki
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Thompson
Recording Secretary

Approved:  September 3, 2014